Professional Public Speaking Batch 101

Menjadi pembicara di hadapan audiens berjumlah sedikit maupun banyak tentunya mempunyai tantangan tersendiri. Mulai dari tahap persiapan sebagai pembicara, menyusun materi, menguasai audiens, hingga mengatasi kendala saat public speaking. Dalam Professional Public Speaking Program, kamu akan mengikuti 9 pertemuan yang mengembangkan dan mempertajam kemampuan public speaking Anda.

Berikut detilnya:
Program: Professional Public Speaking Batch 101
Tanggal: 21 September – 16 November 2024
Waktu: 09.00 – 12.00 WIB (Every Saturday)
Tempat: TALKINC Office, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

* Certificate
* Handout in form of soft-file

More info: Nisha – 08118384300


Elementary Program: Fundamentals of Communication Skills Batch 49

Bukan hanya membekali kamu dengan tips & trik berkomunikasi saja, tetapi juga bagaimana menjadi lebih percaya diri, mengenali pola komunikasi dari berbagai kepribadian, membentuk Personal Branding, hingga cara memaksimalkan media sosial sebagai sarana komunikasi dan branding. Semua ini bisa kamu pelajari dalam 7 pertemuan yang difasilitasi langsung oleh para fasilitator TALKINC.

Berikut detilnya:

Program: Offline Elementary Program – Batch 49
Tanggal: 28 September – 9 November 2024
Waktu: 09.00 – 12.00 WIB (Every Saturday)
Tempat: TALKINC Office, Jalan Kendal No. 18A-B, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat

Include: * Certificate * Handout in form of soft-file

More Info:  Nisha – 08118384300

Becoming Pleasant and
Reliable Individuals with
Good Communication Skill!

TALKINC has 3 regular professional classes, conducted every Saturday :

Elementary Program

Fundamentals of Communication Skills

7 encounters every Saturday
3 hour session (09:00 – 12:00 )

This class is suitable for someone who wants to have a foundation in communication skill and look forward to improve on their softskill and personal development:

  • Discovering self concept to boost level of confidence
  • Knowing many different personalities and find out the strategies to build relationship with people who have different ways of communication
  • Communicate effectively and impressively with the power of words and suitable total vocal, supported by positive Personal Branding that should be projected in personal and professional environment

Professional Public Speaking

9 encounters every Saturday
3 hour session (09:00 – 12:00)

This program is perfect for those who are looking to improve their ability to speak publicly by learning how to know and profile the audience, powerful opening technique in presentation skill, ability to present with a suitable flow of mind and provide unforgettable closing in presentation. Supported with the non verbal communication aspects, handling audience as well as slide making technique.

MC and Moderator

4 encounters every Saturday
3 hour session (09:00 – 12:00)

Learn different types of MC and Presenter. Gain an understanding on how to develop script, pathways in becoming an MC-Moderator and how to handle your partner in an event as an MC. Personal Branding is essential as a Presenter and MC-Moderator along with Verbal, Non Verbal Aspect as well as Total Look to the Camera Angle Technicalities in leading an event in virtual setting. Acquire knowledge of the types of atmosphere as a MC-Moderator and different ways of interviewing

Youth Program

Public Speaking is an essential skill that needs to be sharpen from a young age. Combining practical and fun learning process supported with meaningful games activity, TALKINC is here to assist to provide impactful sessions during the holiday season.

Student Class Program

In this fast-paced and uncertain digital era, young people face various challenges, ranging from academic expectations and social relationships to doubts about the future. Many of them end up feeling confused and even struggle to find their direction in life.

Accordingly, TALKINC presents a specially designed program for students aged 16-22, TALKINC Student Program: Navigating the Journey of Life. This program aims to equip young people with the essential life skills needed to survive and thrive amidst the challenges of today’s world. Participants will learn directly from our facilitators, who are experts in public speaking, psychology, radio announcing, communication, and MC & TV presenting.

TALKINC has helped more than 15.000+
students all over Indonesia. Accredited and supervised
by Jakarta City Education Office

TALKINC is Escalating You with Insights and Best Practices in Communication

Delivering dynamic and insightful programs, you will experience an enjoyable learning process by our facilitators from various backgrounds whom have worked in many different industries that would be beneficial for you.

What Will You Get


Exclusive 10 participants per class to maximize fun and practical learning experience


Chance to learn directly from our facilitators of various background and expertise


Receive comprehensive Individual report and e-certificate of attendance